Recent Releases

In This Release:

  • Feature: Bidding system added. The original bidding system as sketched out near the beginning of the project has been updated, improved, and is now functional. More improvements are to come, but bids should be able to be tracked in the system at this point.
  • Enhancement: Custom project fields management system added. This allows custom specifications to be added to each project. Each field has a name and a value, and values can be numbers, strings of text, etc. This allows for the tracking of additional items (i.e. square footage, type of roof, etc).
  • Enhancement: Return project list sort default to alphabetical
  • Enhancement: Projects now filter through the various lists according to how far along they are in the project life cycle.

Released 05/23/18 08:08:25 pm

In This Release

  • Bug Fix: A form validation bug
  • Bug Fix: Release Note notifications working incorrectly
  • Enhancement: Altered sorting order on projects list to sort by "Actual Start Date". New projects without a sort date are at the top, and then projects are sorted oldest->newest, with the newest at the bottom of the list. The list shows 50 items at a time by default.
  • Enhancement: Most input forms now retain entered values in their input fields when validation returns you to the form (example: a user is created, but the email was badly formatted, so the application asks you to re-enter it, but saves the remainder of your form to avoid re-typing.

Ongoing Work

  • Ongoing Feature Work: Bidding System
  • Ongoing Feature Work: Submittals System
  • Ongoing Feature Work: Inventory System

Released 05/09/18 04:04:00 pm

In this release, v0.5.11, we have added the Release Notes feature. Each release will come with a bulleted list of items improved, added, or fixed. This list will not be all-inclusive, but rather an indicator of progress, especially on issues that the development team feels will impact users. We will also make note of larger features that are in-progress, but not included in this release.

  • Feature: Added Release Notes (Notifications will appear in the top right by your username when logged in).
  • Bug Fix: Weather accuracy (viewing details when in Activities page).
  • Enhancement: Change of naming from temporary JIP System Beta to Kaizen Work.
  • Enhancement: Added more Weather System debugging to further troubleshoot some issues.
  • Enhancement: Form field component system more flexible so that forms can be quickly added to more kinds of pages.
  • Ongoing Feature Work: Bidding System
  • Ongoing Feature Work: Submittals System
  • Ongoing Feature Work: Inventory System


Released 05/02/18 01:09:07 pm